Sunday, 20 December 2009

Hair Tutorial in Dec 2009 Issue

In the upcoming issue of Hello Dolly we have a tutorial on painted hair by the very talented Cassie Peek of Babydust Nursery.

Cassie recently won an award from Colliii for her rooting work, a real achievement given the number of entrants to the competition, congratulations Cassie on a well deserved award.

Cassie was featured in the very first issue of Hello Dolly in December 2008 as our very first reborn artist interview. Cassie came to reborning in the same way a large number of people do when she was surfing Ebay and bumped into them whilst searching for baby clothes for her little boy. Cassie told us that what appealed to her was the community atmosphere of the hobby and being able to get honest advice and critique on her work.

Cassie says she gets a huge sense of achievement after completing a baby and gets a great deal of pleasure when she gets positive feedback from the ladies who buy her dolls from her.

More Dolls by Cassie Peek


  1. Could you possibly do an article on what to look for when buying reborns on ebay. I am not a reborner, only a collecter, I have some Ashton Drake dolls but I have recently been buying reobrns on ebay. When I have recieved them I have often been disappointed in the quality, as they have looked so much nicer in the auction photographs. I cannot be the only person who has had this experience, and would like some advice on what to buy. Thank you

  2. I would love to hear more from collectors. I reborn, but have also collected a few reborns. I am very choosy - always ask for a closeup of the nails, of the skin, and of the rooting. You do know want paint that is caked on, do not want messy details (the nails will usually show if they are messy on the details), do not want hair rooted in big plugs. Fake eyelashes are also a pet peeve of mine - they do not look real, esp when too long and too thick. Just my opinions - hope they help a bit :)

  3. oops, forgot I wanted to say - Cassie, your rooting is outstanding!!! I've seen close-ups of your work - wonderful! and your skin tones are wonderful too. I hope to be able to afford one of your babies someday :)


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